Pokemon Blue Star 4 Cheats | PokemonCoders (2025)

Be the champion of the Shinstar region with our Pokemon Blue Star 4 cheats! Embark on an all-new adventure with a thrilling story never seen before in a Pokemon ROM hack.

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Pokemon Blue Star 4 takes you to a fan-made region where the latest mechanics and features merge with classic gameplay.

This game features Pokemon up to Generation 9 and you can even find some Hisuian form Pokemon. It also gives you access to advanced battle mechanics, from Mega Evolution and Z-Moves to Dynamax and Gigantamax. This hack even added the Pokestop feature of Pokemon Go.

What I love most is the Rotom phone, which lets you access your PC anywhere. That and many features including level caps, 3 difficulty levels, and a convenient shared exp system make this game worth your time.

If you’re searching for Pokemon Blue Star 4 cheats, then this is the place to be.


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  • Pokemon Big Blue Cheats
  • Pokemon Neon Blue Cheats
  • How to Use Pokemon Fire Red Cheats With My Boy Emulator for Android

Table of Contents

Pokemon Blue Star 4 Cheats

We tested multiple cheats for Pokemon Blue Star 4 and here are the cheats that are confirmed to be working.

Important: Before using any of the cheats, keep in mind that they can cause bugs and glitches or ultimately ruin your save file. To avoid losing any progress, create a backup save file or save slot.

Don’t use too many cheats at once. Before using another cheat, always disable the previous one.

Item Modifier Cheats

These cheats let you obtain items and modify their amount. You can get the items through your PC in Pokemon Centers or by visiting Pokemarts:

Unlimited Rare Candy in PC (Cheat type: Code Breaker)

Cheat Code:

820257C4 0044

Alternate Code:

82025804 0044

Activate one cheat code and go to your PC to withdraw unlimited Rare Candies.

Unlimited Master ball in PC (Cheat type: Code Breaker)

Cheat Code:

820257C4 0001

Alternate Code:

82025804 0001

Activate one of the codes and go to a Pokemon Center. Access your PC and withdraw as much Master Balls as you want.

Medicine Items in PC (Cheat type: Code Breaker)

Copy the cheat code and replace yyyy with the code of the item you want. Withdraw the items from your PC.

Cheat Code:

820257C4 yyyy

Item Codes:

000E = Antidote
000F = Burn Heal
0010 = Ice Heal
0011 = Awakening
0012 = Parlyz Heal
0013 = Full Restore
0014 = Max Potion
0015 = Hyper Potion
0016 = Super Potion
0017 = Full Heal
0018 = Revive
0019 = Max Revive
001A = Fresh Water
001B = Soda Pop
001C = Lemonade
001D = MooMoo Milk
001E = Energy Powder
001F = Energy Root
0020 = Heal Powder
0021 = Revival Herb
0022 = Ether
0023 = Max Ether
0024 = Elixer
0025 = Max Elixer

Berries in PC (Cheat type: Code Breaker)

How to use: Enter the Berry cheat codeand replaceyyyywith the equivalent item code. Go to the Pokecenter and check your PC to withdraw items.

Example: 820257C4 00ACfor Apricot Berry.

Cheat code

820257C4 yyyy

0085 = Cheri Berry
0086 = Chesto Berry
0087 = Pecha Berry
0088 = Rawst Berry
0089 = Aspear Berry
008A = Leppa Berry
008B = Oran Berry
008C = Persim Berry
008D = Lum Berry
008E = Sitrus Berry
008F = Figy Berry
0090 = Wiki Berry
0091 = Mago Berry
0092 = Aguav Berry
0093 = Iapapa Berry
0094 = Razz Berry
0095 = Bluk Berry
0096 = Nanab Berry
0097 = Wepear Berry
0098 = Pinap Berry
0099 = Pomeg Berry
009A = Kelpsy Berry
009B = Qualot Berry
009C = Hondew Berry
009D = Grepa Berry
009E = Tamato Berry
009F = Cornn Berry
00A0 = Magost Berry
00A1 = Rabuta Berry
00A2 = Nomel Berry
00A3 = Spelon Berry
00A4 = Pamtre Berry
00A5 = Watmel Berry
00A6 = Durin Berry
00A7 = Belue Berry
00A8 = Liechi Berry
00A9 = Ganlon Berry
00AA = Salac Berry
00AB = Petaya Berry
00AC = Apricot Berry
00AD = Lansat Berry
00AE = Starf Berry
00AF = Enigma Berry

Unlimited Star Coins (Cheat type: Code Breaker)

Activate the cheat to be able to withdraw unlimited Star Coins from your PC.

Cheat Code:

74000130 03BD
820257C4 006D
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063
Unlimited Max Candy (Cheat type: Code Breaker)

Activate the cheat to be able to withdraw unlimited Star Coins from your PC.

Cheat Code:

820257C4 0048

Pokemon Modifier Cheats

These cheat codes let you modify the Pokemon you own, encounter in the wild, or battle against:

Pokemon Max Stats (Cheat type: Code Breaker)

1st Pokemon Maximum Stats


2nd Pokemon Maximum Stats


3rd Pokemon Maximum Stats


4th Pokemon Maximum Stats


5th Pokemon Maximum Stats


6th Pokemon Maximum Stats

Pokemon Nature Modifier (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay)

How to use: Enter the cheat code and replace the y’swith the corresponding Pokemon nature identifier:

Example: (Adamant)
5EB8DEEE 692ED298

Cheat code

yyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy

Note: Enable these codes before entering a battle.

D0E34D66 5796A7D3 = Hardy
D73BC50A 5F47AA0E = Lonely
E485844D 2F24038C = Brave
5EB8DEEE 692ED298 = Adamant
83286B46 6479AA98 = Naughty
35EB915F 08F33974 = Bold
A58F6F1B BFB13FEF = Docile
34027F23 7E7E1599 = Relaxed
CDA2AB99 F89D5BB9 = Impish
D593BF29 E18AAAE5 = Lax
1BC372C9 06B4D17F = Timid
D4950A99 D729D80A = Hasty
93F04759 F95753D9 = Serious
E9EC2CBF A7EDD4A7 = Jolly
56F744B0 37E16732 = Naive
E1EB2109 4480C28D = Modest
A2461E51 304137B6 = Mild
0456554B 66D3AAF9 = Quiet
B05B4CCD A0A1505B = Bashful
909149AB 2DE8726A = Rash
31F62F82 D9A0C100 = Calm
9A41D845 41B93FE6 = Gentle
D47DA721 6C3B9FFC = Sassy
1A15BF1E E72650E4 = Careful
5A7B2626 21ECD183 = Quirky

Wild Pokemon Gender Modifier (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay)

Always Female

EB34F751 A96B854D
78DA95DF 44018CB4

Always Male

EB34F751 A96B854D
141BB87C 83D7018F
Shiny Pokemon Encounters (Cheat type: GameShark v3/Action Replay)

Cheat code:

1670047D 04815C68
18452A7D DDE55BCC

Important: I’ve experienced a name glitch when using this code. To avoid this, activate the code and look for the shiny you want. Then once you encounter it, turn off the code before catching the shiny.

Misc Cheats

Here are other Pokemon Blue Star 4 cheats that can help you in your adventure:

Infinite Money (Code Breaker)

Activate this cheat to get unlimited money.

820257BC 423F
820257BE 000F
One Hit KO

Use this code to make all Pokemon faint with one hit:

Cheat Code:

C833D1A0 02FA7205
Walk through walls
509197D3 542975F4
78DA95DF 44018CB4

Pokemon Blue Star 4 Cheats That Are Not Working Properly

These Pokemon Blue Star 4 cheats have been tested but aren’t working properly or are causing the game to malfunction.

TM and HM Modifier

I tested these TM and HM cheats but the game has more TMs and HMs than the base game FireRed. This cheat technically works but the codes don’t match with their original TM/HM counterpart.

How to Use: Copy the cheat code 820257C4 yyyy and replace yyyy with the code of the TM you want from the list below.

Example: If I want to have Earthquake, which is TM26, I would enter 82025840 013A. (In this game, TM26 is actually Psyshock)

You can get the TM from your PC by withdrawing it:

TM Cheat Code

820257C4 yyyy

0121 = TM01 Focus Punch
0122 = TM02 Dragon Claw
0123 = TM03 Water Pulse
0124 = TM04 Calm Mind
0125 = TM05 Roar
0126 = TM06 Toxic
0127 = TM07 Hail
0128 = TM08 Bulk Up
0129 = TM09 Bullet Seed
012A = TM10 Hidden Power
012B = TM11 Sunny Day
012C = TM12 Taunt
012D = TM13 Ice Beam
012E = TM14 Blizzard
012F = TM15 Hyper Beam
0130 = TM16 Light Screen
0131 = TM17 Protect
0132 = TM18 Rain Dance
0133 = TM19 Giga Drain
0134 = TM20 Safeguard
0135 = TM21 Frustration
0136 = TM22 Solar Beam
0137 = TM23 Iron Tail
0138 = TM24 Thunderbolt
0139 = TM25 Thunder
013A = TM26 Earthquake
013B = TM27 Return
013C = TM28 Dig
013D = TM29 Psychic
013E = TM30 Shadow Ball
013F = TM31 Brick Break
0140 = TM32 Double Team
0141 = TM33 Reflect
0142 = TM34 Shock Wave
0143 = TM35 Flamethrower
0144 = TM36 Sludge Bomb
0145 = TM37 Sandstorm
0146 = TM38 Fire Blast
0147 = TM39 Rock Tomb
0148 = TM40 Aerial Ace
0149 = TM41 Torment
014A = TM42 Facade
014B = TM43 Secret Power
014C = TM44 Rest
014D = TM45 Attract
014E = TM46 Thief
014F = TM47 Steel Wing
0150 = TM48 Skill Swap
0151 = TM49 Snatch
0152 = TM50 Overheat
0153 = HM01 Cut
0154 = HM02 Fly
0155 = HM03 Surf
0156 = HM04 Strength
0157 = HM05 Flash
0158 = HM06 Rock Smash
0159 = HM07 Waterfall
015A = HM08 Dive

Pokemon Blue Star 4 Cheats: Conclusion

Those are all our Pokemon Blue Star 4 cheats for now. By testing new cheats regularly, we ensure our readers always have the advantage in their games.

Pokemon Blue Star 4 is a FireRed-based ROM hack. That’s why some FireRed cheats work in this game as well. But due to heavy modifications, the codes are altered and not all of them work in this game.

But stay tuned because we always test and search for new cheats. Whether you’re looking for cheats for ROM hacks or official Pokemon games, Pokemoncoders is your most trusted and reliable source.

Pokemon Blue Star 4 Cheats | PokemonCoders (2025)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.